WeBook Pitch

The WeBook pitch begins with the claim to be the “next generation publisher” which caught my attention immediately in my interest in anything new and innovative. Her foot was definitely in my door and I opened it!

The presenter took a secondary position in the screen (standing off to the side) in order to allow the predominant logo to be in the forefront throughout the pitch.  Yet the presenter spoke confidently, fervently, and quite proudly of the service offered.  The identified pain point was the struggle that aspiring authors face when trying to get their work published, and weBooks offered a completely different way to accomplish this.  She compared the service provided to authors to be what “e-bay did for commerce, linux for software, and wikipedia for information” which clearly shows the anticipated rewards to authors who join the service.  To be one-up on the competition, she outlines the alternative that weBooks offers – collaborative writing (or solo if preferred) and then submission for a voting cycle to see if the book should be published – an intriquing idea for the author that is wary of the rejection letters of traditional publishing.  Finally, the ask is stated – 50/50 profit sharing on sales with the potential of $50 billion in the publishing market.

I found that in the very short presentation, I was given all the information I needed to decide whether or not I would investigate further, unlike some of the other pitches that were vague.  She was concise, informative and clearly showed how her company was different from all the other publishers.

Posted in: Week 03: Analyst Bootcamp